Saturday, January 17, 2009

Here is the walk out basement view from the patio to-be. Jill is in a bedroom, there is another bedroom in the corner (each with a bathroom) and then a family room right in front of the door.

This pile of rocks is going to become a retaining wall or two. I figured if Bert saw the Bobcat ("hey there Bobcat") maybe he would want to come play and I could get some free labor out of the deal!
The future THEATER ROOM! Its going to be underneath the small part of the garage (the one-car side).

Jill is standing on what we expect to be the center circle of the future basketball court.

Foundation and ducts are in!

Here is Dan out digging the hole before the foundation is poured. . . NOT!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This is a test. If it works, maybe we will keep you posted on the developments on our new house here.